Jamie Balfour

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Official ZPE/YASS documentationIf statements

If statements do one thing if the condition is satisified, or do another thing if it is not. They are the most basic form of conditional checking and flow control.

if($a < 10)
  //Do something
elseif ($b > $a && $b < 15)
  //Do something else if something
  //Do something else
end if

//Alternatively, as of version, if statements can be a single line, terminated with a semi-colon
if ($m == 10) print("It does indeed");

Version 1.6.6 added an additional syntax for the if statement that uses the then keyword, officially known as if...then statements:

if $a < 10 then
  //Do something

if $a < 10 then print("It does indeed")

The then statement is different from a standard if statement in that it can only have a single action inside the statement and does not end with either a brace or end if:

if $a < 10 then
  print("Hello 1")
print("Hello 2")

The "Hello 2" string is not in the if statement however, the "Hello 1" is.

Prior to version 1.7.11, the then keyword was simply syntactic sugar and did not differ from the ordinary if statement.

Else statements can also be added to if...then statements:

if $a < 10 then
  print("Hello 1")
  print("Hello 2")

It should noted that these else statements in if...then statements must be a single expression like the if...then statement.

Below is an example of a single bit adder program created using binary logic in ZPE:

function adder($x, $y)
  $xor = xor($x, $y)
  $land =  $x and $y
  $carry = 0
  $val = 0

    $val = 1
      $val = 1
      $carry = 1
    end if
  end if

  return ["result" => $val, "carry" => $carry]
end function

function main()

  print(adder(1, 0))
  print(adder(0, 0))
  print(adder(1, 1))

end function

For a more advanced version of this code, look at the documentation for the xor function.

else if

Version 1.6.7 also added the new else if to compliment the original elseif - either was valid until version 1.9.4:

if ($a < 10)
  //Do something
elseif ($b > $a && $b < 15)
  //Do something else if something
else if ($c > $a && $c < 15)
  //Do something else if something
  //Do something else
end if
The else if syntax was removed in ZPE 1.9.4. It was later discovered to cause serious issues when nested if statements are used.
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