DragonDocs is a powerful templating engine that I use across my website and externally through balf.io. I have plans to open source the entire engine in the near future.
DragonDocs is a culmination of DragonScript IV's amazing performance, my own interest in making things more digital in education and providing more interactive features on digital worksheets.
DragonDocs contains a plethora of features that are both very usable as a standard document format but also as an educational tool. I use it for both types of document.
The following a list of some of the key features of DragonDocs:
- CSS-based and consistent styling
- Inline PHP support
- Multipage support
- Accessibility features, including screen filters, speech synthesis and dark mode.
- In-document feedback
- Built-in form questions/text input
- Automatic saving for quick restoring of field data
- Exporting form input to a .docx file
- Multiple choice answers
- Image field uploading (that gets exported to the .docx file)
- AI based assessment of answers upon saving