Jamie Balfour

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Part 3.7Working with dates in PHP

PHP offers a plethora of different date functionalities that make working with dates much easier.

In the most primitive manner, a date is an intthat represents an epoch time timestampEpoch timestampA numeric representation of a millisecond in time since January 1st 1970.

In PHP a date is exactly this, but to form a date that means something to a human, it is first converted to a string.


A timezone in PHP represents a timezone in the world. For instance, UTC or Coordinated Universal Time is a timezone in the real world. In PHP the UTC timezone is also a timezone parameter. Another timezone is Europe/London .

Any timezone can be used to represent a real world timezone and all subsequent date representations will be in that timezone, so conversion between different timezones is much easier.

If a timezone is not specified, PHP will still compile but it may throw a warning on the page. It is advised that a timezone is specified.


Now all future dates will be in their 'Europe/London' format.

There are too many different timezones to place in this article, but they can all be found in the PHP manual.

Working with dates

As mentioned before, date in PHP are converted from a timestamp to a string type in order for them to display properly. PHP makes this easy with the date function.

The date function can also be used to represent times. To declare a date in a proper date format, the date function is used as follows:

date ("Day Month Year Hour Minute Second", timestamp);

Every parameter of the string is entirely optional for instance, an hour value may be the only one specified to obtain the hour. The timestamp parameter is also optional.

Specifying a timestamp parameter to another date (for instance using the time() function will return the current time) will turn that time into a date of that format. As mentioned before, this is optional and if it is not specified the default value will be the current time (which is the equivelant to calling the time function).

date ("dS F Y g:i:s A");
22nd October 2024 9:18:29 PM

The mktime() function can also be used to generate a time as well which can in turn be passed in to the date function. The mktime function is used as follows:

//Creates a time to the 12th of July 2014 at 13:34:29.
$time1 = mktime (13, 34, 29, 7, 12, 2014);
//Creates a time to the 26th of January 2013 at 9:12:43.
$time2 = mktime (9, 12, 43, 1, 26, 2013);

The following parameters are for the day and week parameters of the date function:

Character Description Some examples
d Numeric day of month with leading zeros 09, 13, 16
D Three letter representation of day of week Mon, Fri, Sun
j Numeric day of the month without leading zeros 1, 7, 13
l Full name of day of week Monday, Friday, Sunday
S Day of month suffix st, nd, rd, th
w Numeric representation of the day of the week (0 to 6) 1, 2, 6
z Day of year (0 - 365) 41, 53, 213
W Numeric representation of the week of the year following ISO-8601 (1 to 52) 1, 2, 6

The following parameters are for the month value of the date:

Character Description Some examples
F Full name of a month January, July, August, December
M Three letter representation a month Jan, Jul, Aug, Dec
m Numeric representation of the month with leading zeros(01-12) 01, 04, 12
n Numeric representation of the month without the leading zeros (1-12) 1, 4, 12
t Number of days in a month 28, 29, 30, 31

The next parameters affect the year parameter of the date:

Character Description Some examples
L States whether the year is a leap year or not 0 (if it is not a leap year) or 1 (if it is a leap year)
Y Full numeric representation of the year in four digits 1956, 1957, 1991, 1993, 2015
y Full numeric representation of the year in four digits 56, 57, 91, 93, 15

As mentioned before, times can be represented using the date function:

Character Description Some examples
a Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm
A Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM
g 12 hour format hour without leading zeros 1, 3, 11
G 24 hour format hour without leading zeros 1, 3, 11, 15, 18, 21
h 12 hour format hour with leading zeros 01, 03, 11
H 24 hour format hour with leading zeros 01, 03, 11, 15, 18, 21
i Minutes with leading zeros 00, 05, 14, 42, 59
s Seconds with leading zeros 00, 05, 14, 42, 59
u Microseconds 315033, 652343
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