Jamie Balfour

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Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

I know it's been a while since I last updated Velocity Web Server (VWS) and it's partly because of a lack of time but also because of my lack of commitment to the project in the first place. 

The last few months have been really centered on the rebuild of the DASH project, which has become so much more than it used to be but also have been focused on the latest versions of ZPE which have come on really well over the last few months. There have also been some issues with ZPE that are still on going and needing fixed, which has drawn a large portion of my development time. Don't forget on top of all of that, I run a business!

Velocity is next on my sprint board and will get some time again very soon.

Posted by jamiebalfour04 in General
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