Jamie Balfour

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Part 4.3Loops in JavaScript

Part 4.3Loops in JavaScript

Another key concept across the board with programming language is the concept of loops. A loop is something that repeats over and over again. This repeat is known as an iteration. Loops repeatedly iterate until they finally terminate.

The loops in JavaScript are:

  • While loops
  • Do while loops
  • For loops
  • For-in loops

While loops

A while loop repeats while a condition is true.

var i = 0;
while(i < 10) {

This loop will almost act as an if statement and will not be run:

var i = 0;
while(i > 10) {

And this loop will run indefinitely (an infinite loop):

var i = 0;
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to execute an infinite loop?")){
	while(true) {

Running an infinite loop without terminating it may cause the user's browser to crash, or in the case above will keep showing a dialog box to the user.

Do while loops

A do while loops at least once and loops until a condition is no longer satisfied:

var i = 100;
do {
while(i < 10)

If a while loop was given the same condition it would not run, as shown in the first while loop example.

For loops

A for loop often loops between a range. The range is specified by a condition:

for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){

The first part in the brackets, i = 0, is used to set an initial value. It is entirely optional. It is also possible to reuse a variable:

var i = 5;
for(i; i < 10; i++){

The second part inside the brackets, i < 10 is the main condition. This is important to ensure that the for loop has a condition at which to terminate on.

The third part of the for loop is also entirely optional. A loop with part 1 and part 3 omitted is shown below:

var i = 5;
for(; i < 10;){

Note the semi-colons positions; one before the condition and one after.

For-in loops

The last type of loop found in JavaScript, the for-in loop, is used to iterate properties of an object. Objects were discussed in this tutorial here.

//Pet object
var gismo = {
  name : "Gismo",
  type : "Cat",
  dob : "10/03/1998"

//Pet object
var petro = {
  name : "Petro",
  type : "Rabbit",
  dob : "29/04/2007"

var i;
for (i in gismo) {
for (i in petro) {

This is treating an object as if it were a mapped array whereby the key is the property name and the property value is the value.

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