Jamie Balfour

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ZPE 1.8.8 now available

ZPE 1.8.8 now available

ZPE 1.8.7 is a broken build, the first in a long time. ZPE 1.8.7 was intending to modularise the software by turning from using duplicated code across Velocity and ZPE into one JAR file that could easily be used by either. Unfortunately, this caused more issues than it fixed. As a result of this, I have simply reverted back to the original code design.

Why was this not noticed?

I will admit that over the last few months my testing has been quite lax and undisciplined. As a result, I simply felt that I didn't need to test this in all platforms (which is stupid since the new modularisation should have meant all platform testing should have been done right away) and as a result only tested on a few devices (by the way, in ZPE 1.8.7 is fully working on JDKs with JavaFX including macOS versions).

ZPE 1.8.8

ZPE 1.8.8 is actually awesome. It now includes its own FTP server within the server mode that means that you can transfer a file to the server from the client. This exciting new feature was going to get more information as it developed but the pressing issue of dealing with 1.8.7's catastrophe meant that I needed to focus on that.

Further to that, ZPE 1.8.8 fixes a long-standing issue of negative exponents and is built straight into the Zenith Parsing Engine itself and is supported by my CSV, JSON and XML parsers too. 

ZPE 1.8.9 will continue to work on the performance improvements ZPE 1.8.8 has laid out as well as continuing the development of ZPEKit.

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