Jamie Balfour

Welcome to my personal website.

Find out more about me, my personal projects, reviews, courses and much more here.

Meet my new menu!

Meet my new menu!

I am very, very happy to announce a new menu on my website! This is the fifth new menu on my website and this one is absolutely here to stay!

The reason I know this one is staying is because I made it - meet JBBar.

As part of my Neutral Web controls I decided to create a menu that is responsive and looks similar to my previous one.

I previously used jQuery SmartMenus, which gave me inspiration for my own menu. The theme is designed to look suitable for BootStrap but also to give maximum flexibility.

The source is written in JavaScript and SCSS, so it's easy to modify. In comparison to SmartMenus, my menu is so lightweight that it barely makes a difference including it - just 272 lines of code in the SCSS file at the time of writing this post.

In order for me to get SmartMenus to work on my website the way I wanted, I had to do a lot of alteration to the code. I also had to use the BootStrap theme and cut it down as much as possible to make it work as I needed it to. My menu is so simple that it just gives the basic JavaScript functionalities and the core of what is needed. It's also miles easier to update and tailored to how I want it.

You probably will not notice any difference in the design. The differences are so subtle that perhaps the change was only necessary for back-end reasons and not for front-end aesthetics.

There is still a lot needing done on the menu, but the general front-end functionality is done. You will notice it is now available across the whole website.

I also have added a new section to my menu called Projects. This section currently redirects you to the appropriate pages on my website but soon will be a dedicated section again, specifically for projects that are current or completed.

Old menu

The SmartMenus menu I used before

New menu

The new menu called JBBar that I have created myself

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