Jamie Balfour

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Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

Jamie Balfour'sPersonal blog

We are here now! Version 2.3 of BalfBlog will officially be launched today, and more importantly hosted on a website other than my own!

That's right! BalfBlog will now be hosted on a website that's not related to me!

In a just in time way, I managed to complete the installer for 2.3 just this morning which makes a huge difference to the way that BalfBlog is installed. 2.3 also focuses on adding templating back into BalfBlog, which makes it so easy to make posts fit into your website. 

With 2.4, BalfBlog will hopefully get a new, proper name and an updater that will update all files automatically.

The update went reasonably well. Since I built the installer on the day I released 2.3, I did not imagine it would perfect in every use case, so I have decided to re-release version 2.3 in the next few weeks. That means that version 2.4 is still a long way away. I also decided since polls were not perfect to remove them from 2.3 and leave them to 2.4 (I also want to change the way that they work altogether).
Posted by jamiebalfour04 in BalfBlog
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