Jamie Balfour

Welcome to my personal website.

Find out more about me, my personal projects, reviews, courses and much more here.

ClickIt: A web based application to aid the learning of web development in an educational environment

ClickIt: A web based application to aid the learning of web development in an educational environment


  1. Computing Science Project General assessment information, SQA, 2015 . Available from: http://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/GAInfoCompScience.pdf . Accessed 12 Nov 2015
  2. Maiorana, F, 2014. Teaching Web Programming . University of Catania, pp. 49
  3. Jenkins, T, 2001. Teaching Programming - A Journey from Teacher to Motivator. University of Leeds, pp. 1 - 3.
  4. Kahn, K, 1995. ToonTalk - An Animated Programming Environment for Children . Stanford University, pp 198 - 201.
  5. SuperLogo, Axe Valley Community College, Available from: http://folders.axevalley.devon.sch.uk/html/ict/year7/SuperLogo/ . Accessed: 11 Nov 2015
  6. Maloney, J, Resnick, M, Rusk, N, Silverman, B, 2010. The Scratch Programming Language and Environment . Massachusetts Institute of Technology, vol. 10, pp. 2 - 8.
  7. Hourcade, J P, 2001. Interaction Design and Children . University of Iowa, pp. 282 - 283
  8. Hanna, L, Risden, K, Alexander, K, 1997. Guidelines for Usability Testing with Children
  9. Texas Child Care: Back Issues, Lee, T, 2011. Available from: http://www.childcarequarterly.com/spring11_story3.html . Accessed: 17 Nov 2015
  10. Kolb’s Learning Styles, Business Balls, 2015. Available from: http://www.businessballs.com/kolblearningstyles.htm . Accessed: 17 Nov 2015


  1. W3C HTML5 and CSS2 and CSS3 specifications
  2. PHP Reference library
  3. SQA Curriculum for Excellence
  4. SQA Higher and Advanced Higher Computing course notes and past examination papers
  5. ToonTalk website (http://www.toontalk.com)
  6. Logo versions website (https://logo.codeplex.com)
  7. Scratch website (https://scratch.mit.edu)
  8. Zurb Joyride website (http://zurb.com/playground/jquery-joyride-feature-tour-plugin)