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User Interface Design

Learning Intentions

  • Understand the term user interface

  • Understand the importance of a good user interface

Success Criteria

  • I can explain why a good user interface is vital with a video game

What is a user interface?

  • User experience (UX) is a major part of developing any software or web application but also a part of computer games development.
  • Part of building a good user experience the software must have an easy to use user interface.

Developing a user interface

  • There are several things a user interface for a game must be:
    • It needs to be easy to use
    • It needs to remain consistent throughout the game
    • It needs to fit the narrative/theme of the game
    • Game genres often have similar user interfaces throughout different games (for example Starcraft has a similar interface to both Warcraft II and Age of Empires II).

Developing a user interface

  • There are several things a user interface for a game must be:
    • It needs to be easy to use
    • It needs to remain consistent throughout the game
    • It needs to fit the narrative/theme of the game
  • Some game genres have similar user interfaces throughout different games.

Examples of user interfaces

Notice any similarities?

How interfaces are developed

  • Before the software developers actually build the game and the interface for the game, they will often consult a group of experts who will inform the developers what a good user interface would like for their choice of game.
  • They then proceed to build a wireframe design for the user interface, giving a rough idea of what the video game will look like.

How interfaces are developed

  • Create a user interface design for a game of your making. Use sketches or a computer-based wireframing tool to create the design.
  • Use to build a wireframe/mockup interface for your game on the computer.


Presentation Overview
User Interface Design
© 2020 - 2025 J Balfour
00:44 | 14-02-2025
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