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Making a Podcast

Learning Intentions

  • Improve our knowledge and understanding of digital podcasts

  • Develop an understanding of audio editing software

Success Criteria

  • I can describe and discuss the concept of a podcast
  • I can modify a media document in order to re-order or clip parts of an audio file

What skills will you obtain from this?

  • Speaking and communication skills
  • Planning skills
  • Audio editing skills including clipping, cutting and reordering audio

Why podcasting?

  • One of the things this course set out to do was to teach you skills in different areas of design and computing that can be applied to web design, games design, software design and digital marketing.
  • As part of the digital marketing part of this course, we are going to look at planning a podcast and then recording it and then editing it.

Today's lesson

  • Today we are going to begin to think about our own podcasts and plan out what our podcasts will be about.
  • Once we have thought about this we are going to create a script or bullet points about what we want to speak about

What is a podcast?

  • A podcast is normally simply an audio file, although some people like to refer to a video channel on YouTube for example, as a podcast.
  • A definition of a podcast is:

a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

What are podcasts?

  • What’s the difference between a podcast and radio show? Have a think about this?

What are podcasts?

  • What’s the difference between a podcast and radio show? Have a think about this?
  • A major difference between podcasting and live radio is that live radio cannot be edited after it has been broadcast, whereas podcasts are pre-recorded so they can easily be adjusted after recording.
  • Podcasts are distributed using the internet whereas radio is distributed locally. This means there is often a bigger reach with podcasts.
  • The owner of a podcast is generally the podcaster whereas a radio station will own a radio show.

Podcasting tips

Types of podcasts

  • There are four styles of podcasts:
    • The Interview - questions directed at one person who answers questions about it (generally they are invited into the podcast series)
    • Story Telling - a story is told over several different casts
    • Roundtable Discussions - also known as interviews and conversations, a group of casters get together to discuss their thoughts. Generally, there is one person directing the flow of the podcast. 
    • Solo Shows - one person shares their ideas and thoughts and leads the whole podcast.
  • For this course you will be focusing on Roundtable Discussions

History of podcasts

  • The term podcast comes from the word iPod mixed with broadcast.
  • Apple was the first company to endorse the idea of a podcast with the iPod being the first device that enabled on-the-go podcasts back in 2004.

History of podcasts

  • Podcasts are rarely live and are often scripted so that people know what they are going to be talking about. This is particularly true with Roundtable Discussion-style podcasts.
  • Podcasts are now available on multiple platforms, including Windows computers, Android, macOS, iOS, Linux and much more.

Podcast structure: the introduction

  • The first part of a podcast is the introduction.
  • In the introduction, everyone introduces themselves and the leader will describe what the podcast is about. Often they will say what topics are being discussed as well as giving a rough idea about what is being discussed around the topics.

Podcast structure: topic questions

  • Topic questions are what control the flow of the conversation and allow you to segment the podcast.
  • Once a topic has been selected, the topic questions are drafted and handed to the participants who will either research or prepare answers to these questions.
  • For example, in a podcast about the Xbox Series X when it was new, the topic questions might be:
    • What do we all think about the design?
    • What do we think about the controller?
    • What do we think about the performance?

Podcast structure: topic questions

  • Topic questions are also often addressed to the whole group using the word we or everybody.
  • For example:
    • What do we think about the new wireless standards?
    • What does everyone think about PCI Express version 4?
    • What do we think about the latest Apple Watch?

Podcast structure: Music and sound effects

  • Podcasts also can contain some music to make it more immersive. If you want to use music, you'll be adding this later on when you edit your podcast.
  • Whenever you are using music, be wary of copyright laws.

The leader

  • Podcasts are often also led by one person in the team. This person will make sure that the podcast has direction.
  • For example, in the previous ‘podcast’ the leader asks the questions and directs the flow of the podcast.
  • The leader will ask topic (or leading) questions that then encourage the others to join in the talk. These questions are often scripted in advance but often the team leader will improvise questions.
  • The leader will also participate in the conversation.

Popular tech podcasts

Accidental Tech Podcast




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Our podcasts

  • Podcasts are rarely live and are often scripted.
  • Podcasts are now available on multiple platforms, including Windows computers, Android, macOS, iOS, Linux and much more.
  • We will be recording our own podcasts in groups/teams.
  • Your team will select one or two topics to discuss.
  • Your podcast will last a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of six minutes.
  • You are not required to record your own voice if you’d rather not but please let your teacher know as soon as possible. You will still have to help plan the podcast as well as edit it afterwards.
  • Your podcasts need to be on topics related to something happening in technology today, for example AI or a new piece of technology that's going to be revolutionary.

  • During our session, you will be able to go to a separate room to record your podcasts with another teacher in the classroom with you.
  • You will not be judged by the other teacher in anyway and the only person that will listen to your finished podcasts is your group and your teacher.

Our podcasts

  • Podcasts are rarely live and are often scripted.
  • Podcasts are now available on multiple platforms, including Windows computers, Android, macOS, iOS, Linux and much more.

  • We will be recording our own podcasts in groups/teams.
  • Your team will select one or two topics to discuss.
  • Your podcast will last a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of six minutes.
  • You are not required to record your own voice if you’d rather not but please let your teacher know as soon as possible. You will still have to help plan the podcast as well as edit it afterwards.
  • Your podcasts need to be on topics related to something happening in technology today, for example AI or a new piece of technology that's going to be revolutionary.
  • During our session, you will be able to go to a separate room to record your podcasts.
  • The only person who will listen to your podcast is your teacher - unless you want others to listen to it.
  • Your podcasts should be appropriate and suitable for school. 
  • You only have a maximum of six minutes to talk so try and make your content interesting and also relevant.
  • Select two or three other people around you who you would like to work with.
  • Once you have chosen a group, identify similar topics of interest.
  • Type them onto the computer. Be as specific as possible. 
  • Identify the topic sentences that will form the foundations of your show. The topics will act as a ‘checkpoint’ for your podcast.
  • Begin independently researching these topics. Try not to share your own individual research and ideas with your team as you'll be sharing the ideas during the podcast.

  • If you finish your research, create a logo for your podcast.

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Making a Podcast
© 2020 - 2025 J Balfour
04:50 | 20-01-2025
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