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Learning Intentions

  • Understand how to evaluate a website in terms of fitness for purpose and usability

Success Criteria

  • I can evaluate a website in terms of fitness for purpose

Evaluation of a website

  • Website evaluation normally comes after the website has been programmed, tested and all the features have been added.
  • When a website is evaluated, one of the key areas that web designers and developers look at is whether or not the website has met it's original requirements.


  • The developers look back at the original end-user and functional requirements.
  • The website is compared to these to see if it has met the original requirements.
  • For example, a website which is designed to have information about how to get in contact with a company that doesn't have a contact page isn't fit for purpose.

Past Paper Question

National 5 2019 Q6

An archeology club wants a website to provide information about the club and how to join. 

A screenshot of the completed homepage is shown.


Evaluate the website in term of its fitness for purpose.

1 mark

  • This website is not fit for purpose as it has no information on joining the club

Past Paper Question

National 5 2019 Q6

An archeology club wants a website to provide information about the club and how to join. 

A screenshot of the completed homepage is shown.


Evaluate the website in term of its fitness for purpose.

1 mark

  • This website is not fit for purpose as it has no information on joining the club

Answer the following past paper questions:


  1. 2018 Q2 


Answer the questions in the Josh Walsh book starting on page 284.


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10:22 | 17-02-2025
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