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Learning Intentions

  • Describe and identify JavaScript coding and related mouse events

Success Criteria

  • I can add JavaScript to a page
  • I can create and use a JavaScript function

What is JavaScript?

  • JavaScript or JS adds interaction to a webpage

  • Interactions such as clicking, mouse over, even when the page loads are done with JavaScript. 

  • Unlike CSS and HTML, JavaScript is a programming language.

  • JavaScript is run in the browser and is therefore a client-side scripting language

Click me

What is JavaScript?

  • JavaScript can also be used for form validation to ensure that data entered into forms is validated

  • Since JavaScript is a scripting language, it is downloaded from the web server then interpreted by the browser before being executed by the browser.

We spoke about client-side scripting languages, but there are also server-side scripting languages that are used to process data on the server rather the client. Server-side scripting can be used to access databases securely and ensure that a user is logged in. It can also validate data, and process data.

more about JavaScript

  • JavaScript is a weakly typed language (like Python)

  • JavaScript is also dynamically typed (like Python)

  • It is not compiled to object-code (or machine code) but is interpreted

  • JavaScript can be used as a server-side language with the node.js framework

  • The most popular JavaScript interpreter is called V8. It is open source and was originally started by Google.

What is JavaScript?

  • JavaScript is one of the three component languages that make up the front end of a webpage, with the other two being HTML and CSS.

  • JavaScript can manipulate elements on the page, including removing them and adding new elements.

  • JavaScript is normally contained in an external file and linked to the page.

<script src="script.js"></script>

Advantages of JS

  • It may be included in the HTML code of a webpage - it doesn't need to run in a separate frame or using a plugin

  • The code can run without an internet connection and doesn't need to communicate with a server

  • It can be used to load portions of the webpage in live time, meaning a part of the page can be loaded without reloading the entire page (think of bidding on eBay)

  • It's a fully featured programming language.

Disadvantages of JS

  • Hackers can use JavaScript to run malicious code on a users computer. Chrome Extensions for example can access everything about a webpage using JavaScript. Users can, however, disable JavaScript for security reasons like this.

  • JavaScript can be used to create annoying popups and adverts on the user's screen

  • JavaScript implementations are different on different platforms and browsers. E.g. Chromium (V8) vs Firefox (SpiderMonkey)

  • JavaScript can be used to create tracking cookies and can be used to track a user's online use.

How does JavaScript work?

  • At National 5 you would write something like this:

<div onmouseover='"red";'>
This div will change colour when hovered.

Types of JavaScript

  • As with CSS, our JavaScript can be:
    • Inline: Beside our HTML for the page content
    • Internal: In a section of the page we reserve for our scripts (between <script> and </script> tags
    • External: In a separate JavaScript document. Save the document with a .js file extension. For example, script.js.  Use <script src="scripts.js"></script> to link to the scripts page

Mouse events

  • Mouse events such as onmouseover and onmouseout are used to trigger an event.

  • These are triggered when the mouse interacts with the element in a specific way.

Mouse events

  • For National 5, you need to know of a few mouse events:

    • onmouseout - occurs when the cursor is moved away from an element such as a button or a heading.

    • onmouseover - occurs when the cursor is hovered over an element such as a button or a heading.

    • onclick - occurs when the user clicks on an element such as a button or hyperlink.

Create an element on a webpage.


Using an internal script tag:


Make the element change the colour of an other element when it is clicked. 


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22:18 | 22-10-2024
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