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Security precautions

Learning Intentions

  • Describe the role of a firewall

  • Describe the use of encryption in electronic communication

Success Criteria

  • I can describe how a firewall operates and how it can help improve security of a system
  • I can describe how encryption is used to protect data and content in a electronic communicaiton


  • A firewall is a special type of software that is designed to prevent unauthorised access to and from a network.
  • A firewall is composed of rules that manage who can access what.
  • In reality, these rules affect which ports of applications can be used to access what.


  • A firewall is a special type of software that is designed to prevent unauthorised access to and from a network.
  • A firewall is composed of rules that manage who can access what.
  • In reality, these rules affect which ports of applications can be used to access what.

Filtering messages

  • A firewall can also be used to check the content of data being passed through a network.
  • There are two types of firewalls, hardware firewalls and software firewalls.

Hardware firewalls

  • A hardware firewall runs on a router on the network (since a router is a network type used to connect multiple networks together, in this case a LAN and the Internet)
  • A standard router firewall often only certain allows ports to go out and not come in, for example port 80/443 are the ports used for browsing the web and so the router would be configured to only allow those ports in and out but not port 2031 for Minecraft.
  • A hardware firewall is also more difficult for malware to affect (although not impossible)

Software firewalls

  • A software firewall runs on the local system and decides what programs should be allowed to access what.
  • For example, you may get a warning on Windows about running Minecraft over a network you'll occasionally get a Windows Firewall popup

Proxy servers

  • A proxy server, or web proxy is a computer often used along with a firewall
  • A proxy server is a special server that is designed to access webpages requested by other computers on the network.
  • The school has a proxy server that makes all requests automatically for you when you request a webpage.

Proxy servers

  • The server can then filter all of the content
    • This leads to safer browsing but also more controlled browsing
  • The proxy server can also have a set of rules that determine what can and cannot be viewed. This is called content filtering.


the process of converting messages in ordinary language, or other information into a secret coded form that cannot be interpreted without knowing the secret method for interpretation, called the key.


  • Encryption means transforming a piece of data (the source data) into code (the encrypted data) to prevent unauthorised users viewing it.
  • One common use of encryption is when sending emails securely over the internet.
  • An encryption algorithm such as AES is used to encrypt the data using a key and then the software is used again to decrypt the data.

Encrypted passwords

Brute force attacks

  • A brute force attack is a when a fast and powerful computer system is used to attempt many different combinations of, say passwords, to eventually figure out something about the encryption or the correct password
  • A program to decrypt something doesn't actually take a lot of time to write either
  • With advancements in technology happening every day, it's possible we'll need to move to even stronger encryption very soon
$p = "Pass"
function letters()
  $str = ""
  for($i = 0 to 26)
    $l = integer_to_character($i + 65)
    $str = $str & $l
  end for
  return $str
end function
function main()
  $str = ""
  for ($i = 1 to 5)
    $str = $str & letters()
  end for
end function

Brute force attacks

  • This program will decrypt the word Pass after just a few attempts
$p = "Pass"
function letters()
  $str = ""
  for($i = 0 to 26)
    $l = integer_to_character($i + 65)
    $str = $str & $l
  end for
  return $str
end function
function main()
  $str = ""
  for ($i = 1 to 5)
    $str = $str & letters()
  end for
end function

Brute force attacks

  • This program will decrypt the word Pass after just a few attempts
$p = "Pass"
function letters()
  $str = ""
  for($i = 0 to 26)
    $l = integer_to_character($i + 65)
    $str = $str & $l
  end for
  return $str
end function
function main()
  $str = ""
  for ($i = 1 to 5)
    $str = $str & letters()
  end for
end function

This program does have a few drawbacks.

Firstly this program assumes you cannot be locked out after incorrectly entering a password.

Secondly, it only checks letters and not numbers or symbols

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between software and hardware firewalls?
  2. How does a firewall keep a network or system safe?
  3. How does a proxy server keep a network safe?
  4. Explain how encryption works and how it can keep data secure
  5. Explain the term brute force attack.

Review questions

State one security precaution that Chill Zone should take to protect its customers’ payment details when buying online. 1 mark

Past Paper questions

An email has been intercepted by a hacker whilst being sent across a network. Part of the contents of the email are shown below.

A!e% #e 7y zX$s _£

Describe what has been done to the email to avoid it being understood by the
hacker. 1 mark

Use a firewall and/or encrypt data

Encrypted the data


Pick 4 key words and provide a description for them.











  • source data
  • encryption
  • brute force
  • rule
  • proxy server
  • encryption key
  • software firewall
  • hardware firewall
Presentation Overview
Security Precautions
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22:18 | 22-10-2024
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