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Create a strong password and test it at


To make a strong password worthwhile, you must be able to memorise it!

Do not write down any passwords you use!


Learning Intentions

  • Identify and compare different threats to technology

  • Identify, describe and compare different security software

Success Criteria

  • I am able to compare different threats to technology
  • I am able to compare different forms of security software and gain knowledge of their functions in protecting contemporary technologies


  • Malware is malicious software, designed to cause as many problems on a computer as possible. It is distributed, normally through the Internet, by someone who wishes to cause damage to an individual or company.

  • There are many kinds of malware, but the most common types are:

    1. Viruses

    2. Worms

    3. Trojans

    4. Spyware

    5. Adware


  • Spyware is used to spy on your computer using a program called a keylogger. A keylogger records every key pressed by the user and then sends them to a remote computer when it is connected to the internet. This allows the criminal to steal all sorts of information such as passwords or even email addresses.


  • Adware is used to simply force adverts on to a user.
    For example when the user open your web browser it opens several advertising websites instead of the normal homepage.


  • Computer viruses are small computer programs made with normal code that have a malicious intent.
    A virus normally is activated when a normal program, such as Microsoft Word, is started.

  • A virus can be used to slow down the computer, or it may be designed to delete everything on a computer.

  • Viruses can also often self-replicate to other devices or computers

  • As of 2019, there are around 100,000 different computer viruses.


  • Worms are likes viruses, except that unlike viruses worms do not need to attach themselves to emails or applications and can run themselves whenever they want to.

  • The most common types of worms clog up a computer system after self-replicating themselves.

  • Eventually the worm spreads across a network the computer system is connected to.

  • One of the most famous worms was the Blaster worm.

  • Worms differ from viruses as they don’t need to attach themselves to a program and can run without a program to run them.

Trojan horse

  • A trojan horse is a piece of malware that disguises itself as a piece of useful software.

  • A trojan horse attacks the computer it is hosted on.

How do you get malware?

  • Other than passing themselves around a network, malware is often distributed through emails or downloaded from websites.

  • Junk emails often include links to other websites that download files onto your computer

  • Running programs without knowing where they came from

Anti-virus software

  • Anti-virus software is used to scan for all kinds of malware including viruses, worms, adware, spyware and trojans.

  • Anti-virus software can also, sometimes, remove malware.


  • The process of phishing is very common nowadays. The process for phishing is:

    1. Sending a user an email or text pretending to be someone such as their bank and asking them to confirm details such as the bank account numbers (the bite)

    2. Getting the user to ‘confirm’ (give) their details to the scammer.

    3. The scammer using their details to access their account


Find four anti-virus software programs and compare them in terms of price.
The next task is to create a slideshow or poster about the different computer crimes.


Plenary - questions

  1. What threats are there to computers?

  2. What ways can we keep our computers safe?

  3. How can we keep safe when online?

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© 2020 - 2025 J Balfour
09:51 | 17-02-2025
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