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Maths and variables

Fix the program below by identifying the issues in it:

Print(Hello world!")

Fix the program below by identifying the issues in it:

Print(Hello world!")
print("Hello world!")

Learning Intentions

  • Understand how to use maths in Python
  • Understand how to use variables in Python
  • Further our skills with input and output in Python

Success Criteria

  • I can develop my own calculator program
  • I can use maths in Python
  • I can explain why we use variables
  • I can write variables in Python

Maths in Python

  • Maths in Python is very similar to how it is done in actual maths. For example, in maths you write 5 + 5 and in Python we just write 5 + 5.
  • Here is a list of the different maths symbols we can use in Python:

Maths in Python

print(5 + 5)
print(5 - 5)
print(5 * 5)
print(5 / 5)

print(5 + int(input()))



y = 10

z = 2


x = y × z


What is x equal to?

Algebra in Python

  • Python uses something called variables to store values in the same way we use x, y and z in algebra.
  • Variables are like a box that contains a single value:

Python variables

y = 10
z = 2

x = y * z


Why do we use variables?

  • Variables store values in main memory so we can get the value from them later.
  • If we take a user’s input and we want to add 5 to it and then print it, we would get a long statement.
  • Variables make code easier to read.
print(int(input()) + 5)
user_input = int(input())
x = user_input + 5

Getting the remainder

  • When performing a division of two numbers, e.g. x and y, the number you get back from this is called the quotient.
  • Thinking about a group of five people. If half of them go on holiday, how many of them went on holiday?
    • 2 or 3
    • Or would it be 2.5 people?
  • We cannot have a half person, so instead we have 2 remainder 1. 
  • Visit the website DIVISIONANDREMAINDERS and read the information on there.

Calculate the quotient and remainder for each of the following:


7 ÷ 3

9 ÷ 7

81 ÷ 21

Try it yourself

Remainder in Python

x = 9 / 4
y = 8 % 3

Even and odd numbers

  • Any number when divided by 2 which gives a remainder of 0 is an even number.
  • Any number when divided by 2 which gives a remainder of 1 is an odd number.


  • To use this, we can write an if statement to check this:
number = 7

if number % 2 == 0:
  print("This is an even number")
  1. Write a program that will display the remainder of two numbers that the user enters. For example, they may type in 3 and 2, so the result would be 1.


    • Create a program to take a person’s name in and store it in a variable
    • Print the user’s name on to the screen


    • Create a program that takes in two numbers and stores them in variables
    • Create a third variable that stores the result of these two numbers being added together
    • Print the third variable to the screen


  1. Complete all tasks in the booklet from page 6 to page 17.


Grade yourself

I can use maths in Python to add, subtract, multiply and divide several numbers

I can use variables to store data as well as maths in Python

I can write a simple calculator program that takes two numbers and performs an operation on them

Presentation Overview
Maths and variables
© 2020 - 2025 J Balfour
02:41 | 14-02-2025
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