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Computer Crime


  1. List two ways in which you can keep safe when using a computer at home.

Learning Intentions

  • Understand what computer/cybercrime is

  • Identify and compare different threats to technology

  • Identify, describe and compare different security software 

  • I am able to compare different threats to technology
  • I am able to compare different forms of security software and gain knowledge of their functions in protecting contemporary technologies

Success criteria


  • An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. [n]
    Oxford Dictionary


  • A man walks into a bank.

  • He provides details of someone else’s account and requests to withdraw all the money in the account

  • In what way is this man committing a crime?

He is committing fraud

He is committing fraud

Who is who in cybercrime?

Edward snowden

  • These days, computer crime is as serious as crime that took place before computers existed.

  • For example, Edward Snowden copied and distributed information from the NSA (National Security Agency) in 2013.

Associated Press

  • In 2013, Associated Press’ Twitter account was hacked, and the hacker posted a fictious tweet stating that the White House had been attacked and President Obama had been seriously injured.

  • As a result of it, people lost confidence in Associated Press and it lost $130 billion in share value within a few hours, whilst AP’s Twitter account was suspended.

List three types of computer crime other than hacking and sharing unauthorised information that could occur


Computer crime

To whoever stole my copy of Microsoft Office: I WILL FIND YOU. YOU HAVE MY WORD!

Computer Misuse Act (1990)

  • The Computer Misuse Act (1990) is one of the most important acts in place with regards to security and the use of computer systems.

  • The Computer Misuse Act makes the following illegal:

    1. Unauthorised access to a computer. This means entering/logging in to a computer without permission (also known as hacking)
    2. Unauthorised access to a computer with the intent of committing a further crime such as planting a virus.
    3. Unauthorised modification of data. This means changing or deleting data on a computer system without the permission of the owner. It also covers the use of malware and spyware.

    4. Making, supplying or obtaining anything which can can be used in computer misuse offences (such as viruses, malware, spyware)

Don't share you password with anyone! If they login as you without your permission, they could get into serious trouble!


Data protection Act (1998 & 2018)

  • The Data Protection Act (2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) were put in to ensure that data collected and stored by individuals and companies is:

    1. Processed lawfully

    2. Used only for the declared purpose

    3. Not held for longer than is necessary

    4. Only limited to what is needed

    5. Accurate

    6. Held securely

Computer crime is serious

Hacking is very serious...

  • Hacking is about gaining unauthorised access to a computer system.

  • Hacking is a very common computer crime these days.

Find the names of four famous hackers and put them into a slide each. Describe what each of those hackers is famous for.


Password security

Password security

  • Strong passwords are an easy yet important way to stay safe. A weak password is easy to guess.

  • There are 17,576 three letter words.

  • There are 11,881,376 five letter words.

  • There are 60,466,176 five letter words which can contain the symbols !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ) from the keyboard

  • There are 78,364,164,096 seven letter words which can contain the symbols !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ) from the keyboard 😳

Never store your password on your computer!


A program to figure out a password

$alphabet = string_to_list("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
$bfg_counter = 0

function brute_force_guesser($password, $guess)

  if (string_get_length($guess) == 0)
    $bfg_counter = 0
  end if
  if (string_get_length($guess) == string_get_length($password))

    if($guess == $password)
      print("Got", $password, "after", $bfg_counter, "tests")
      return true
    end if
    return false
    for each ($c in $alphabet)
      if (brute_force_guesser($password, $guess & $c))
	  return true
      end if
    end for
  end if

end function

brute_force_guesser("dog", "")

Password security

How secure is the following password?


How secure is the following password?


How secure is the following password?


How secure is the following password?


How secure is the following password?


How secure is the following password?


How secure is the following password?


How do we make a password strong?

  • Use a combination of letters and numbers

  • Use symbols

  • Use a combination of lower and uppercase characters

  • Use random combinations of letters, do not use names or words from the dictionary

  • Don’t use the same password in multiple locations!

Create a strong password and test it at HOWSECUREISMYPASSWORD

To make a strong password worthwhile, you must be able to memorise it!

Do not write down any passwords you use!


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Computer crime
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01:39 | 14-02-2025
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