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Rigging and Rigs

Learning Intentions

  • Understand the purpose of rigging

  • Understand the how to move the rig in a natural way

Success Criteria

  • I can use rigging in an animation to make parts of an object move


  • Today we're going to making a character or object move.


  • Rigging is a term associated with animation and involves adding a digital skeleton or frame to a character or an object.
  • When we use the Asset Warp Tool in Adobe Animate, we turn our 2D image into a rig that we can manipulate.
  • We can then create joints on our rig that allow us to move those parts of the rig independently.


  • Rigging is a term associated with animation and involves adding a digital skeleton or frame to a character or an object.
  • When we use the Asset Warp Tool in Adobe Animate, we turn our 2D image into a rig that we can manipulate.
  • We can then create joints on our rig that allow us to move those parts of the rig independently.

Using keyframe animation

  • Once we have setup our rig in a keyframe, we can then create another keyframe.
  • On that new keyframe we can easily modify it and create a tween to make the changes made to the rig between the frames look seamless.

Reminders - keyframe animation

  • Tweening creates the frame between two keyframes.

  • Keyframes should be created before any changes are made and tweening should only be done after the keyframes are set.

Bitmoji task

  • If you have not already, create your own Bitmoji and copy it to Adobe Animate.
  • Using the instructions provided, create an animation using your Bitmoji.
  • When you finish that, you can work on the Stork Carrying a Baby animation in the Hands On Tutorial section of Adobe Animate.

Lesson review

I can follow instructions to use the rig to move a character or object

I can use the rigging tools independently of any instructions to make my character or object move between frames

I have mastered rigging in Adobe Animate and can use keyframes and tweens to help make a smooth animation

Presentation Overview
Rigging and Rigs
© 2020 - 2024 J Balfour
22:54 | 06-12-2024
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