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micro:bit Projects

What can a micro:bit do?

Open the micro:bit projects website at


Look through the projects available there and pick out five of them that look interesting.


You will be feeding back to the class in a few moments about this.

Learning Intentions

  • Understand the capabilities and limitations of a digital device

  • Plan out a project using your understanding of micro:bit

Success Criteria

  • I can plan a project using a digital technology and know the limitations of the technology

Lesson outline

  • Today you will look into and develop your own micro:bit project
  • You will be designing your project similarly to how you did it in Scratch in S1.
  • Just as you did in S1, you'll be evaluating each other's projects.

Technology has it's limitations

  • Whenever you work with technology, it's important to know that there are always limitations with what it can do.
  • For example, how many numbers are there?
  • There are actually, infinitely many.
  • This means that there is no limit, meaning that a computer cannot ever count how many numbers there are.
  • Did you know computers cannot divide by 0?

Technology has it's limitations

  • Whenever you work with technology, it's important to know that there are always limitations with what it can do.
  • For example, how many numbers are there?
  • There are actually, infinitely many.
  • This means that there is no limit, meaning that a computer cannot ever count how many numbers there are.
  • Did you know computers cannot divide by 0?

micro:bit limitations

  • The micro:bit is quite a powerful little device that can perform many simple operations really well, but remember as we stated in the first lesson, computers today have 1,000,000 times more RAM than a micro:bit!
  • This does mean that there are limitations of what it can do.

Your projects

  • Discuss in pairs what you might develop for your micro:bit project

Fill in the Project Specification worksheet, starting with ideas for what you might do. 

Begin to work on your project using the website

Today's task


Share with the class! Tell the class about your project.

Presentation Overview
micro:bit Projects
© 2020 - 2025 J Balfour
06:37 | 20-01-2025
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