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Dancing Sprites

Learning Intentions

  • Learn how to animate a sprite

  • Learn how to add sounds to Scratch

Success Criteria

  • I can make a sprite move
  • I can make a sprite rotate
  • I can add a sound to Scratch

What you will be learning

  • In this lesson you will be getting your sprites to perform a dance. Your teacher will give you headphones so that you can listen to your animation as you test it.


  • An animation is when we make an image (such as our character) look as though it is moving. 
  • With Scratch, we can do this with the move blocks or we can change the sprite's costume.

A dancing animation


  • In computer science, a loop is a piece of code that repeats something over and over.
  • A loop can last forever or it can be for a specified number of times.


  • How many times will this loop?

0 times

10 times

Infinite times


  • How many times will this loop?

0 times

10 times

Infinite times


  • How many times will this sprite change costumes?

3 times

10 times

30 times

Infinite times

Work through Lesson 3.


Make your dance enjoyable to watch and use sounds to make it more interesting.


Presentation Overview

In this lesson pupils will learn about animation in computer science. They will create their own animation in Scratch using several tools including:

Dancing Sprites
© 2020 - 2024 J Balfour
06:51 | 27-07-2024
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