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The World Wide Web

Learning Intentions

  • Learn how to build a website

  • Use research tools to find out about topics

Success Criteria

  • Construct your own website
  • Research the internet for a topic and present it in an eye-catching manner

This unit

  • This unit will focus on you building a website which will incorporate design elements, your own research and will be used through the year as a blog.
  • We're going to be using Google Sites to build our websites.

How this unit is assessed

  • This unit will take 5 periods. You will also be given time at the start of your computing periods to update your website with new content each lesson.
  • You will be assessed with how well you have built your website to a criteria given to you. You are expected to include everything within the criteria in order to complete this unit successfully.

What are your favourite websites?

What are your favourite websites and why?

Types of tools available on the web

  • The world wide web (WWW or W3) is made up of different web tools such as:
    • Websites
    • Search engines
    • Social media

What makes a good website?

  • What makes a good website?

A website should be easy to use

  • The ease of use of a website is considered to be the most important factor in what makes a good website.
  • Ease of use depends on several things such as a good background colour with high-contrast as well as an easy to read font (this is called readability).
  • As well as that you may also find that webpages on a website are very similar throughout the website. This is called consistency.
  • Websites are also designed to work on several different devices.

Find four websites; two good websites and two bad websites.


Fill in the task on Google Classroom with these websites.


Getting started

  • The first of these lessons will be all about setting up your website. 
  • First, log on to Google and open Google Sites.

Your pages

  • You are now going to create three pages:
    • The homepage - have a short but friendly introduction describing what your website is about
    • An About Me page - add a little bit about you here
    • A blog - this is where you will write about what you have been doing in school. 

Example site

Your success criteria

  • Using Google Sites, you must create a website. Your website should:
    • Include at least a homepage and about me page
    • Include a blog with what you have enjoyed learning at school during the week every week, including some content from your own Google Drive.
  • You should demonstrate your finished website to your teacher

Lesson review

Include a short bit of text about you and what your blog is going to be about

Include a short bit of information about you, some pictures and update your blog with what you've been doing this week

Include more interactive elements on your website such as links to other pages, videos and sound, and perhaps some of your work from Google Drive

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The World Wide Web
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07:01 | 20-01-2025
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