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S3 Computing

What will you learn?

  • S3 Computing is an enjoyable, fun-filled course that was designed to make the step to National 5 easier whilst also giving you extra knowledge that you will not learn about at National 5.
  • As you know, there is no final exam. However, there will be unit tests that give the teacher an indication as to how well you are performing and where you should be if you choose National 5 next year.
  • With S3 Computing, there is also a lot of scope for discussion.

What will you learn?

  • In S3 Computing there are several core areas you cover:
    • Computer Systems and Hardware
    • Databases
    • Web Development
    • Software Development
  • And there also several additional areas that we look at in S3:
    • Computer Security and Malware
    • Computer Networking
    • Computer Graphics

Ask for help!

I am happy to answer questions at any time so come and see me at break or lunch or even after school if you've got any questions. You can also email me if that's easier.

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Welcome to S3 Computing
© 2020 - 2025 J Balfour
04:42 | 20-01-2025
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